Behind the Balance
Behind the Balance is a lifestyle podcast brought to you by Claire Armstrong, the face and heart behind BalancingClaire. We’re talking about all things health, fitness, life lessons, and lifestyle while focusing on creating a beautiful, balanced life. Grab a coffee and join in for behind the scenes and more in depth stories with BalancingClaire.
Behind the Balance
Behind BalancingClaire - episode 1
Season 1
Episode 1
Let's kick things off by discussing what is Behind The Balance? Episode one touches on different topics you can expect to hear from this podcast (all things health, fitness, lifestyle, D1 athletics, acne, relationships, battling injuries, etc). You will also learn how and why 'BalancingClaire' started and how the name was decided on years ago. Many life stories will be talked about by your host, Claire Armstrong, so it's time to jump into the vert first Behind The Balance episode!